Skin Care for Holi: Expert Advice from Dr. Anju Jha

Holi, the festival of colors, brings joy and vibrancy to our lives. However, amidst the festivities, it’s essential to prioritize skin care to avoid any unwanted side effects. To shed light on this, we’ve consulted with Dr. Anju Jha, a renowned Dermatologist at Kailash Hospital, Noida, to address common concerns and provide expert guidance on skin care for Holi.

1. What are the side effects of Holi on skin?

Dr. Anju Jha advises, “Holi colors often contain harmful chemicals and dyes that can cause various skin issues such as irritation, dryness, allergic reactions, and even chemical burns. Excessive sun exposure during Holi can also lead to sunburn and pigmentation.”

2. What should I put on my face before Holi?

“Apply a generous amount of moisturizer or a thick layer of petroleum jelly on your exposed skin before playing Holi. For added protection, consider applying a waterproof sunscreen with a high SPF on your face,” suggests Dr. Anju Jha. “This helps shield your skin from harmful UV rays and prevents tanning and sunburns during prolonged outdoor activities.”

3. How can I protect my skin on Holi?

“To protect your skin during Holi, wear full-sleeved clothes made of thick, dark-colored fabrics that cover most of your body,” advises Dr. Anju Jha. “Additionally, consider wearing a scarf or bandana to cover your hair and protect it from color damage.”

4. How to take care of hair during Holi?

Dr. Anju Jha recommends, “Before stepping out to play Holi, apply a generous amount of coconut oil or olive oil to your hair and scalp. This forms a protective barrier and makes it easier to rinse off the colors later. After Holi, wash your hair with a mild shampoo and follow up with a nourishing conditioner to restore moisture.”

5. Can I wear makeup on Holi?

“Avoid wearing makeup on Holi as it can mix with the colors and cause skin irritation or clog your pores,” cautions Dr. Anju Jha. “Instead, opt for a tinted moisturizer with SPF for minimal coverage and sun protection.”

6. How to remove tanning after Holi?

“To reduce tanning and restore your skin’s natural glow, exfoliate your skin with a gentle scrub made of besan (gram flour) and yogurt,” recommends Dr. Anju Jha. “This helps slough off dead skin cells and lighten tan patches. Follow up with a hydrating face mask containing ingredients like aloe vera or cucumber to soothe and nourish your skin.”

7. How do you take care of your skin after Holi?               

“Applying oil after Holi can help remove stubborn colors and soothe irritated skin. Massage coconut oil or olive oil onto your skin and leave it on for a few hours before rinsing off with lukewarm water. Use a mild cleanser to remove all traces of color,” advises Dr. Anju Jha. “Follow up with a hydrating toner to restore your skin’s pH balance and a nourishing moisturizer to replenish lost moisture.”

8. How to remove permanent color from nails after Holi?

“For stubborn color stains on your nails, soak them in a mixture of warm water and lemon juice or vinegar,” suggests Dr. Anju Jha. “Alternatively, gently buff your nails with a nail buffer or use a nail polish remover containing acetone to dissolve the color.”

As we revel in the joy of Holi, let’s not overlook the importance of skin care. By following these expert tips from Dr. Anju Jha, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable Holi celebration without compromising your skin’s health. Remember to prioritize protection, hydration, and gentle care to keep your skin glowing and radiant even after the colors have faded. For personalized skin care advice and expert dermatological consultation, visit Dr. Anju Jha, a trusted skin specialist at Kailash Hospital, Noida.

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